Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day 18

Watching football today w/the fam. Had two sips of beer and have been breaking up chips (crisps for you brits!) and placing them on my tongue until they dissolve. Heaven.

Thomas helped me take my pics today;)


  1. chips...I think I remember those.

  2. Pahah! crisps, yeh, I'm sure gonna miss those... they're my weekness!

  3. I tried sucking some crisps (sorry chips!) the other day but after two I gave up. I was having an achey day that day though so maybe I will try it again!

  4. Woo! You girls are brave! I haven't broken down to wanting chips yet. When I can chew again, I swear, I'm going to eat a whole bag to myself, lol. I want a feast of everything crunchy when these braces come off.

  5. Lol! I'm telling you all...TRY IT!! In fact, I just went to the store and bought an entire bag of Lays Vinegar and Salt flavor. I've noticed that my taste buds are off and the strong flavor of these chips taste a bit mild. Lays are great because they are so thin they get mushy pretty quickly!! I've tried other brands today and had to spit them back out bc they are too hard. (Kettle jalapeño and BBQ w/ridges). I'm desperate for something other than mush!
