Saturday, October 20, 2012

Day 4 Video

I apologize in advance for all the drool!


  1. Amanda you are doing great! In a hotel in a strange town across the country from your loved ones - and on your own (even if only for a little while) - you are a champion! And you look & sound so happy despite the drool - lol. Good on you.

  2. Awww. Thanks Ellie. It's hard not to laugh at yourself while making a drooling video for public display:)

  3. I agree with Ellie. You are an absolute champion. This video is brilliant and will help so many people in the future, whilst also allowing you to revisit your struggles and see how far you have come despite them. You are going to have the most beautiful result. x

    1. Thanks so much. That is very sweet and means a lot to me! I hope you are great, it's been awhile!!

  4. Glad to hear you're finding my blog useful! I'm amazed you're already coping by yourself, my mum didn't leave me on my own until after a week post-op. I just showed my mum a little bit of your video and she said 'She looks like you a couple of days ago', so you must be right about us all looking like we could be related in the first few days post-op!
