Saturday, July 2, 2011


It seems like it's been a long waiting period to get this show on the road. I finally saw a new dentist for a cleaning and checkup (all clear!) as well as a consult with an oral surgeon for my 4th molar extraction (happening July 14). My ortho appt to put on my braces will follow shortly thereafter.

One of the things I haven't seen in the blog universe is how much money this all costs! I know I hear 'a lot' and it's so different for all of us in different countries, with different insurance plans. I was planning on keeping my own tally going, I figured why not share it. So, without further ado:

Costs to date
dental ins.: none
medical ins.: Anthem Blue Cross PPO

$328 - Dental Cleaning/Exam/Pano Xray
$91 - Oral Surgery Consult

$419 TOTAL


  1. Hi Amanda -
    Once you get your fourth molar removed how long do you have to wait until braces?
    Do you know if your insurance will cover any of these costs?

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. I think I only need to wait a couple of weeks. I'm going to call my OD on Tuesday to try to schedule that appt now! I do have medical ins. and they have approved the surgery (I know I will have to go through another approval closer to the date of surgery). Everything is in network so after my $500 deductible it's 70/30 coverage. They cover 70% and I am responsible for 30%. Luckily, there is a $5800 cap for my 30% (so if my 30% is 10k, I only have to pay 5800). Sadly, I don't have dental insurance, so my molar extraction will cost me about 1500:( And of course, my ortho is all out of pocket.
